전체 글 10387

윤석열..."나 잘났다"더니 추잡스런 말로...

A South Korean court has issued an arrest warrant for impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol over his declaration of martial law, according to investigators https://t.co/GxIUip0ziy— Bloomberg (@business) December 31, 2024 North Korea convenes key party meeting to set policy, KCNA reports https://t.co/NZeQpJCAgI pic.twitter.com/uMVe0WpI2c— Reuters (@Reuters) December 28, 2024  '정권'이 '한 큐'에 가는 건 결국 '민생..

Honest First 2024.12.31

바이든 “남은 임기 우크라이나 입지 강화 노력” 25억 달러 군수 지원 발표

US natural gas prices surge 10% to $3.71 on cold weather forecasts pic.twitter.com/7oP1NrMMdv— Energy Headline News (@OilHeadlineNews) December 29, 2024 European stocks fell at the open of the penultimate trading session of 2024, a year of modest gains for the region that contrasted with the bullish Wall Street rally https://t.co/TYFieW9u9h— Bloomberg Asia (@BloombergAsia) December 30, 2024 Euro..

Honest First 2024.12.31

WSJ, 트럼프發 멕시코 관세..."미국 자동차 시장 타격할 것"

Why Trump is right not to fire the Fed chair https://t.co/yqyqY5AToM— David Shipley (@davidjshipley) December 12, 2024 The bond market is now pricing in just one 25 bps rate cut by the Fed in all of 2025. Back in September six 25 bps rate cuts were expected.https://t.co/l5IYmkf6Ih pic.twitter.com/syX4RcqQaP— Charlie Bilello (@charliebilello) December 19, 2024 The hawkish pivot by the Fed combine..

Honest First 2024.12.30

권성동..."환율 1,500원 넘으면 외환위기(국가부도) 온다"

Here's all you need to know about what's moving markets https://t.co/deEmPZ4hbB— Bloomberg UK (@BloombergUK) December 29, 2024 Here's what you need to know to start your day https://t.co/umGZHvmRco— Bloomberg Asia (@BloombergAsia) December 29, 2024 今日必知事:🛬韩国发生史上最严重空难🎵川普吁暂缓tiktok法案📉人民币季节性优势缺席订阅免费中文电子报《彭博财经早茶》,洞悉全球市场动态Catch up with what’s moving China’s markets in our free Chinese language news..

Honest First 2024.12.30

12.3 내란 수괴 윤석열 탄핵·사형 집행이 정국·시장 안정 지름길

A Jeju Air plane landing at an airport in South Korea veered off the runway and collided with a wall, killing at least 85 people, Yonhap news agency reports https://t.co/x2DLsJCLdk— Bloomberg Asia (@BloombergAsia) December 29, 2024  무안국제공항 활주로에서 태국 방콕발 무안행 제주항공 7C2216편 여객기가 착륙 도중 활주로를 이탈해 공항 외벽을 들이 받아 인명 참사가 났습니다. 무안국제공항에 17년 만에 정기 국제선을 부활시킨 데 따른 제주항공 노선이 새롭게 추가된 지는 한 달도 채 되지 않은 것으로 '확인'됐습니다.  B..

Honest First 2024.12.29

목표 주가 216 달러 테슬라 일론 머스크...또 지랄발광

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier dissolves parliament and sets the country’s snap election for Feb. 23 https://t.co/B0qYiHf94X— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) December 27, 2024 Germany’s wind generation is forecast to plunge this week but the price effect will likely be damped by lower-than-usual demand during the holiday period https://t.co/rk6Smvn8bZ— Bloomberg Markets (@markets) Dec..

Honest First 2024.12.29

일론 머스크 "나는 한적한 호화별장...니들은 반드시 사무실 나와라"

Elon Musk has a new role in US politics — and his erratic style is unchanged https://t.co/H9EG1LBSXw— Business Insider (@BusinessInsider) December 27, 2024 Donald Trump’s US election win has turbocharged Elon Musk's fortunes, elevating his personal wealth past $400 billion.On this episode of the Elon, Inc. podcast, @‌broderick joins @‌chafkin and @‌danahull to sum up Musk's year https://t.co/OSZ..

Honest First 2024.12.28

미국 주택담보대출 금리 2주 연속 상승...7월 이후 가장 높은 7.14%

Mortgage rates in the US climbed for the second week in a row, squeezing homebuyers as borrowing costs hit the highest level since early July. https://t.co/EgqWNfdaGV— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) December 26, 2024 Before the Fed started cutting interest rates in September, the 30-year mortgage rate in the US was at 6.11%. Today it’s at 7.14%, the highest since July.Why have mortgage rates m..

Honest First 2024.12.27

미 10년물 금리 4.6% 터치, 달러화 강세, 달러-원 1,480원대 돌파...1,500원 선 넘보나

Key rates tied to the US overnight funding market are rising, even after the Federal Reserve adjusted some of its tools in an effort to rein in volatility https://t.co/dCP4ht0IyI— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) December 26, 2024 If confirmed as Treasury secretary, Scott Bessent will inherit a debt trajectory far worse than his predecessors were dealt. Managing the deficit will be his biggest t..

Honest First 2024.12.27