전체 글 9892

김건희 게이트(Rolex Gate) 41 (feat. 윤석열 미국 송환)

DNC expects Vice President Harris, if nominee, to pick VP by August 7 https://t.co/FgVwYHFLtQ— The Hill (@thehill) July 24, 2024 Jennifer Aniston did not mince words as she criticized J.D. Vance‘s resurfaced 2021 comments that politicians like VP Kamala Harris are “childless cat ladies"More: https://t.co/NlAd2Jtkkqhttps://t.co/NlAd2Jtkkq— Rolling Stone (@RollingStone) July 25, 2024 J.D. Vance’s ..

Honest First 2024.07.25

김건희 게이트(Rolex Gate) 39 (feat. 윤석열 미국 송환)

Here’s our latest global interest rate map – China just cut https://t.co/bvjwmfKmhT via @Phatjet @yujingliu_ pic.twitter.com/iyLJV9CtKx— Zoe Schneeweiss (@ZSchneeweiss) July 22, 2024 Billionaire Gina Rinehart’s private company is considering developing a $3.3 billion iron ore project in Western Australia https://t.co/T2rzHjKUte— Bloomberg (@business) July 16, 2024 The world’s biggest iron ore pr..

Honest First 2024.07.24

김건희 게이트(Rolex Gate) 38 (feat. 윤석열 미국 송환)

Europe hopes for Kamala Harris as a potential Trump presidency looms https://t.co/uPn7zPjdej via @SamuelStolton pic.twitter.com/1Fw9qKI69B— Zoe Schneeweiss (@ZSchneeweiss) July 23, 2024 Republicans threw a big party for Trump, while the Democrats work behind the scenes to sort out Biden's future https://t.co/gmDWhdtTaG— Businessweek (@BW) July 19, 2024 '유럽'은 '도널드 트럼프'의 잠재적인 미국 대통령직 복귀 가능성에 대해 고심..

Honest First 2024.07.24

김건희 게이트(Rolex Gate) 37 (feat. 윤석열 미국 송환)

We will win. VP Kamala Harris will win. I’m all in for #KamalaHarris2024 and ready to move our country forward and out of the shadows of the felon’s fascist f*ckery #DemsUnited #DemVoice1 pic.twitter.com/zDPbW1c719— KSlattery ☮️🌊💙 (@KSlatteryResist) July 22, 2024 Democrats are uniting behind Vice President Kamala Harris, after President Joe Biden’s surprise announcement Sunday that he would en..

Honest First 2024.07.23

김건희 게이트(Rolex Gate) 35 (feat. 윤석열 미국 송환)

"아버지가 아들 만났다는 게 뉴스가 되다니..." 최 회장은 SK 사업 재편 배경을 설명하는 기자간담회에서 이혼 항소심 판결 후 개인적인 소회도 꺼냈습니다. https://t.co/FV874Yde9q— 한국일보 (@hankookilbo) July 21, 2024 Blackouts this summer from Albania to Texas show how power grids are already struggling to cope with hotter temperatures https://t.co/mTvgyW9VfN pic.twitter.com/O3C5247WSX— Bloomberg Green (@climate) July 21, 2024 The new first rule of ESG is you do n..

Honest First 2024.07.22

김건희 게이트(Rolex Gate) 33 (feat. 윤석열 미국 송환)

미국에서 한국 정부 스파이가 붙잡혔는데, 대통령실은 문재인 정부 사람이라고 또 책임 떠넘기기를 하고 있습니다.공소장을 입수해 분석해봤더니 대통령실 해명은 엉터리였습니다.윤석열 정부 출범 후에도 활동을 해왔고, 심지어 지난해 FBI에서 자백까지 했습니다.👉 https://t.co/KsrzuW1ud0— 뉴탐사 (@newtamsa) July 19, 2024 Friday’s debacle has brought the cybersecurity company’s role in probing the 2015 DNC hack and in Trump’s first impeachment into renewed focus among some backers of the Republican nominee. https://t...

Honest First 2024.07.21