전체 글 9981

김건희 게이트(Rolex Gate) 129 (Big Take. 윤럼프, Yoon Trump)

Qatar will sign a new deal for LNG sales to Kuwait for 15 years, it’s second supply deal that will help ease the strain on power plants that have already been forced to cut output this summer https://t.co/5trU5KVgdq— Bloomberg Middle East (@middleeast) August 26, 2024 Russia’s Arctic LNG 2 project sharply hiked processing in July as it prepared to start liquefied-gas exports, defying US restrict..

Honest First 15:16:51

김건희 게이트(Rolex Gate) 128 (feat. 윤럼프, Yoon Trump)

Republicans sued three battleground states this week. Here’s what you need to know https://t.co/GVIhDJVGc7— The Hill (@thehill) September 15, 2024 Melania Trump blasts FBI’s Mar-a-Lago raid: ‘A warning to all Americans’ https://t.co/mCot7oCxRY— The Hill (@thehill) September 15, 2024 Donald Trump doesn't trust women. And they sure as hell don't trust him.pic.twitter.com/JtHzhMxxFf— Tim Walz (@Tim..

Honest First 2024.09.15

김건희 게이트(Rolex Gate) 127 (Big Take. 윤럼프, Yoon Trump)

딸에게 마저 "역겹고 모욕적이며 엄청나게 성차별적 발언"이라며 "인셀의 헛소리고 딱히 더할 말이 없다. 끔찍하다"라는 비난을 받은 머스크 발언은 무엇일까요. https://t.co/DRj2tyXFEB— 한국일보 (@hankookilbo) September 12, 2024  Extinctionists want a holocaust for all of humanity https://t.co/RGFuVWJdTx— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 14, 2024  '유유상종'(類類相從)이라는 말이 있는데요. '도널드 트럼프'가 당선되면 "내 정자를 받아라."면서 테일러 스위프트를 성희롱하고 오늘도 카말라 해리스 부통령 허위사실을 유포하고 차별을 조장 중인 테슬라(TSLA) CEO 일론 ..

Honest First 2024.09.15

김건희 게이트(Rolex Gate) 126 (Big Take. 윤럼프, Yoon Trump)

Will Trump and Harris debate again? Here’s what we know: https://t.co/3d1EKCPgBf— TIME (@TIME) September 12, 2024 Kamala Harris put Donald Trump on defense in their first debate, baiting him about his campaign rallies and 2020 election loss https://t.co/XdlM7i0LZI— Bloomberg (@business) September 11, 2024 Vice President Kamala Harris fared better in Tuesday night’s debate than expected, accordin..

Honest First 2024.09.14

김건희 게이트(Rolex Gate) 124 (feat. 中·韓 디플레이션)

Taylor Swift's endorsement of Kamala Harris shows how worried she is about both AI-enabled misinformation and discrimination against childless cat ladies https://t.co/dQHPiGHoWj via @opinion— Bloomberg (@business) September 11, 2024 Taylor Swift cites AI deepfakes in endorsement for Kamala Harris https://t.co/68PKoMZlKg— Ars Technica (@arstechnica) September 11, 2024 one of the most deepfaked wo..

Honest First 2024.09.12

김건희 게이트(Rolex Gate) 122 (feat. 中·韓 디플레이션)

윤석열 지지율 17%~~전세계 꼴찌 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ pic.twitter.com/jrNSyiw1OO— Johannslee (@yonghan87) September 10, 2024 The New York Times just published what is, as far as I can tell, its first headline solely focused on Donald Trump's age or mental acuity since January. pic.twitter.com/jCrcGmDIwF— Matthew Gertz (@MattGertz) September 9, 2024 Four years ago todayQ: Did you mislead the public when you repeatedly down..

Honest First 2024.09.11

김건희 게이트(Rolex Gate) 121 (feat. 中·韓 디플레이션)

North Korea’s Kim vows to put nuclear force ready for combat with US https://t.co/Xg0SGiMFqG— POLITICO (@politico) September 10, 2024 北朝鮮の金正恩氏、核兵器を飛躍的に強化する-米国と同盟国を非難 https://t.co/cdIjWmcY46— ブルームバーグニュース (@BloombergJapan) September 10, 2024 What the Harris-Trump Face-Off Means for the US Stock Market https://t.co/QYCByvBziS— Bloomberg Markets (@markets) September 9, 2024 South Korea summit to tar..

Honest First 2024.09.10

김건희 게이트(Rolex Gate) 120 (feat. 윤로남불)

"늘 나오는 얘기가 '독단적이다. 일방적이다'라는 것"이라며 "쉽게 말하면 남의 말을 듣지 않는다는 의미" https://t.co/RFKrWjVOKb— 한국일보 (@hankookilbo) September 6, 2024 더불어민주당은 김건희 여사가 지난 총선 당시 국민의힘 공천에 개입했다는 의혹을 제기한 한 매체 보도를 거론하며 "김 여사의 '선거 농단'이 드러났다"고 맹공을 퍼부었습니다. https://t.co/pS2rscbTzh— 한국일보 (@hankookilbo) September 5, 2024 Gun violence has caused profound trauma for young people — including this week in Georgia.While @POTUS and I contin..

Honest First 2024.09.10