전체 글 10329

윤럼프(Yoon Trump) 임기 채울 수 있을까?

Like many working-class Americans, Native American voters have been persuaded that voting for Donald Trump will best serve their economic interests. https://t.co/y7lNGUPjYE via @NaomiSRiley— City Journal (@CityJournal) November 19, 2024 '트럼프' 2기 정책 중에 문제가 되는 게 뭘까요? '다시', 금리입니다. '예를 들면', 장·단기 커브전략에서 금리·환율의 상관관계에 관한 기본공식은 '명목금리'(실질금리 + 예상 인플레이션율 ↑) - 예상(원자재 ↑ 가격 추이) 인플레이션율 = 실질금리, OO(유가, 비트코인, 금 등..

Honest First 2024.11.20

트럼프는 중국 항구 배송 60% 관세, 윤석열은 중국과 협력할 것

Peru Cuts Key Rate to 5% With Core Inflation in Retreat https://t.co/gIGVdLsIMN— Bloomberg Markets (@markets) November 7, 2024 Peru posted faster than expected growth in September, as economy continues to bounce back strongly from last year’s recession https://t.co/FhfEF1Vs1z— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) November 15, 2024 An adviser to Donald Trump is proposing that the 60% tariffs the pres..

Honest First 2024.11.19

트럼프 낙관론 '위험 수준'…전문가들 "경계 고조"

Gold held near a two-month low amid persistent strength in the dollar, with traders winding back expectations for a Federal Reserve rate cut next month https://t.co/MHwuQ9kWZI— Bloomberg Asia (@BloombergAsia) November 15, 2024 South Africa’s illegal gold miners hold out against police in tense stand-off https://t.co/KnFeti7WU3— FT Energy (@ftenergy) November 17, 2024 When the question is whether..

Honest First 2024.11.18

언론과 표현의 자유를 "입틀막"하고 있는 "범죄자 윤석열" 임기 후반기는 어떤 모습일까?

호주 안팎에서 보도된 내용들을 종합하면 한국 업체들의 탈락 사유는 크게 두 가지였습니다. 설계와 신뢰 문제.#호위함 #잠수함 #호주 https://t.co/klKII7iW7U— 한국일보 (@hankookilbo) November 12, 2024 "트럼프 당선자는 평화를 원하지만 그가 평화를 이해하는 방식은 우리가 국제법으로 이해하는 방식과 상당히 다르다." https://t.co/Fj8DzkOpyy— 한국일보 (@hankookilbo) November 11, 2024 "각종 의혹이 수사를 통해 해소가 되지 않으니 대통령 지지율 하락 및 사실상의 국정 마비 상황이 끝이 보이지 않는다."#메아리 #이진희 https://t.co/D4irADjF35— 한국일보 (@hankookilbo) November 15, ..

Honest First 2024.11.18

윤럼프(Yoon Trump)의 "프로젝트 2025"는 어떤 모습일까?

President Xi Jinping’s boldest economic stimulus since the pandemic failed to impress global luminaries gathered in Washington this week https://t.co/QqG5ZpS6ul— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) October 25, 2024 On the surface, there is little that connects Xi Jinping’s PRC to that of Mao and Deng. But a closer examination of Xi’s rejuvenation strategy reveals an enduring set of political and ec..

Honest First 2024.11.18

① 무능 ② 부도덕 ③ 불공정 ④ 부패한 윤럼프(Yoon Trump), "김건희와 감옥가야"

Chinese President Xi Jinping said he doesn’t want to see geopolitical tensions on the Korean Peninsula and called for a peaceful solution, Yonhap News reported. https://t.co/wAN7cOxKLO— Bloomberg Asia (@BloombergAsia) November 16, 2024 At a secretive factory in Russia's central grasslands, engineers are manufacturing hundreds of decoy drones meant to overwhelm Ukrainian defenses as they try to p..

Honest First 2024.11.16