전체 글 10329

트럼프의 이민 및 보호주의 무역 정책이 인플레이션을 유발할 수 있다

Trump’s return gives Modi a chance to bolster India’s image with the US and its allies, which have increased scrutiny recently on the nation’s close ties with Russia’s Vladimir Putin and its role in violence against Sikh activists in the US and Canada. https://t.co/kAXnLzbNaC— Bloomberg Asia (@BloombergAsia) November 7, 2024 India is batting for more trades with Russia to be settled in rupees as..

Honest First 2024.11.12

역시 트럼프, AI·반도체·ESG·자동차 "All-Kill"

Australia's Resolute Mining slumps after Mali detains CEO, two other employees https://t.co/d3b8WVeZu6 pic.twitter.com/2m0ADjJpR2— Reuters (@Reuters) November 11, 2024 한국 증시는 반도체 사이클 겨울론에 들이닥친 '트럼프'에 '반도체'주, '이차전지'주가 일제히 '폭락'을 했습니다. 달러-원 '환율'은 전장 대비 8.3원 오른 1,394.7원에 마감됐습니다. 장 마감 이후 일본 총리에 이시바 시게루 자민당 총재가 다시 선출됐다는 '소식'이 전해졌는데, 일본 금융시장은 큰 반응을 보이지 않는 모습이었습니다.  US President-elect Donald Trump advis..

Honest First 2024.11.11

무역, 지정학 긴장 고조에 따른 채권과 외환 시장 우려

Morning Bid: China caution cools sizzling US optimism https://t.co/IyxDAk4VKO pic.twitter.com/hMae7b0jvB— Reuters (@Reuters) November 10, 2024 China and Indonesia sign multiple cooperation deals https://t.co/1oglR1PFjI— Nikkei Asia (@NikkeiAsia) November 9, 2024  현재 2년 반째 접어든 러시아의 우크라이나 침공 '전쟁'에 긴장이 냉전 이후 '최고조'에 달했으며, 러시아 관리들은 '전쟁'이 가장 위험한 단계에 접어들고 있다고 선언했습니다. 선거 운동 기간 동안 Donald 'Trump'는 취임 즉시 우..

Honest First 2024.11.11

전쟁, 심리학이 정치와 선거에 쓰이는 사례

GOP fairy tales, as drawn by @anntelnaes https://t.co/vURkPzLAC8— Washington Post Opinions (@PostOpinions) October 10, 2024 Podcast: One of the biggest post-election questions that remains unanswered is how it will impact upcoming talks over myriad provisions in the GOP’s signature 2017 tax law. https://t.co/WMcMxwcwSf— Bloomberg Tax (@tax) November 8, 2024 한국에서 7번의 선거와 비교했을 때 미국 대선을 지켜보며 느낀 점은 ..

Honest First 2024.11.10

정치가 금리, 산업, 고용, 소매, 주택과 물리적 위험에 미치는 영향

Donald Trump’s advisers are swiftly working to form a new administration. Here are some of the leaders he could choose to help install his “America First” agenda for foreign policy, regulation and law enforcement. https://t.co/Pk5BzaM61Q— Bloomberg (@business) November 9, 2024 Trump's pledge to dramatically increase US tariffs has reignited a debate over whether they are a valuable tool for comp..

Honest First 2024.11.10

역시 트럼프, 기대 인플레 급등에 고민 커진 소매업계

Former Pres. Trump joked during a rally in Lititz, Pennsylvania, that he wouldn't mind if reporters got shot if there were to be another attempt on his life. https://t.co/vptqUIYlFm pic.twitter.com/tfRfYUVbiB— ABC News (@ABC) November 3, 2024 At his final campaign event in Arizona, Donald Trump insulted Liz Cheney, one of his most outspoken Republican critics, and used menacing imagery to sugges..

Honest First 2024.11.10