전체 글 10298

관세가 주요 이슈이고 2025년에 더욱 확산될 것으로 예상

Oil fell as Israeli strikes on Iran over the weekend avoided the OPEC member’s oil facilities https://t.co/8IqexVX1z2— Bloomberg Middle East (@middleeast) October 27, 2024 Oil prices drop 5% after Israeli airstrikes spare Iran’s oil facilities https://t.co/zvkA7nQJPP— MarketWatch (@MarketWatch) October 27, 2024 Crude oil's Middle East risk premium fades, demand woes remain : Russell https://t.co..

Honest First 2024.10.28

일본 이시바 시게루 총리 취임 한 달 만에 조기 퇴진 전망, "윤석열 친구 됐다."

South Korea expects to continue its strong ties with the US regardless of the election outcome next month, according to the country’s finance minister, Choi Sang-mok. https://t.co/GDObwecBjA— Bloomberg (@business) October 25, 2024 A buyback of Korea Zinc shares has given Chairman Choi Yun-beom and Bain Capital an additional 11% of the company’s shares, according to a regulatory filing https://t...

Honest First 2024.10.28

2024 US Election, "저 당은 개, 돼지 xx들이 나와도 찍는다."

I believe in the Second Amendment. I also believe we need reasonable gun safety laws to keep our communities safe. pic.twitter.com/nLfy3ttEt2— Vice President Kamala Harris (@VP) October 26, 2024 Immigration remains among the top concerns for voters in the 2024 election. But when it comes to policy, many ignore a key reason people are forced to leave their homes — climate change. Natural disaster..

Honest First 2024.10.27

2024 US Election, 이토록 철없는 "오빠"들

데일리 오피니언 제599호2024년 10월 4주(22~24일)https://t.co/cZH1jr1Jvt북한·러시아 군사 협력 강화:위협적 73%, 위협적이지 않다 21%─우크라이나에 '비군사적 지원만' 66%,'군사적 지원' 13%, '지원 말아야' 16%2022년 6월 대비 지원 반대론 10%포인트 늘어#갤럽 #한국갤럽 pic.twitter.com/vLa8630zAt— 한국갤럽조사연구소 (@GallupKoreaNews) October 25, 2024 Trump says domestic foes worse than Kim Jong Un during meandering Joe Rogan interview https://t.co/4TtQaOXCLc— Post Politics (@postpolitics) Oc..

Honest First 2024.10.27

테슬라(TSLA) 일론 머스크와 김건희 일당들은 한국 배터리 망할 것 알고 있었을까?

테슬라 주주 사이에서는 그의 정치적 무리수가 테슬라에도 악영향을 주고 있다는 불만이 커지고 있습니다.#머스크 #트럼프 #미국대선 #한국일보 https://t.co/KC67oKXOGY— 한국일보 (@hankookilbo) October 25, 2024 Police gear up for large, rival London protests https://t.co/k8CMSqvJgj pic.twitter.com/nwAfAXJmPC— Reuters (@Reuters) October 26, 2024 To the extremist leaders who support Trump Abortion Bans—but have neglected prenatal care, maternity care, and postpartum ..

Honest First 2024.10.26

김건희 게이트(2024 Election, Trump + Musk's Project 2025, Billionaire and Poor) 255

Every passing month brings a reminder of how Angela Merkel’s reign as chancellor propelled Germany into the mire. Three big pitfalls have become particularly obvious https://t.co/XMrdDXTM5K 👇— The Economist (@TheEconomist) October 25, 2024 🗣️ Angela Rayner has urged people not to forget scandals and division under the last Conservative government amid Labour’s own controversies over donationsF..

Honest First 2024.10.25

김건희 게이트(2024 Election, Trump + Musk's Project 2025, Woman's Yoon Trump) 254

UniCredit's move on Commerzbank will probably come to a head once the Italian lender gets approval from the ECB to increase its existing stake, a Mediobanca analyst says https://t.co/f1xJKJwbAg— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) October 23, 2024 Italy’s Meloni discussed BlackRock investments with CEO Fink https://t.co/uKM7tN5U0I via @danielelepido pic.twitter.com/kqjUZg2VJw— Zoe Schneeweiss (@ZSc..

Honest First 2024.10.25