China’s naval shipbuilding capacity is now more than 230 times greater than America’s.
— The Economist (@TheEconomist) February 27, 2025
American allies in East Asia, such as South Korea and Japan, could help counter the build-up. Will Donald Trump let them?
At heart, what binds China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia is a set of transactional relationships.
— The Diplomat (@Diplomat_APAC) March 8, 2025
North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un was briefed on the development of a nuclear-powered submarine capable of firing missiles during a naval shipyard tour, according to state media
— Bloomberg Politics (@bpolitics) March 8, 2025
President Donald Trump pointed to South Korea as a country with more unfair tariffs against American products than China, while slamming the handing out of subsidies for foreign chipmakers like Samsung
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) March 5, 2025
'윤석열' 파면까지 24시간 '비상체제'에 돌입한 더불어민주당이 '윤석열'의 '석방'을 지휘한 '심우정' 검찰총잘을 '고발'하고 사퇴 거부 시 '탄핵' 등 모든 조치를 고려하겠다고 밝혔습니다. 관저로 복귀한 '윤석열'은 '김건희실'이 "국정의 중심을 잡아달라"고 말하였고, 국민의힘 지도부는 '윤석열'을 찾을 계획으로 '확인'됐습니다. 이번 주 한국 증시는 '윤석열'이 '어퍼컷'을 날렸다는 분석이 나옵니다.
Bank of Japan officials are leaning toward keeping interest rates unchanged this month after their hike in January and as growing uncertainties in the global economy require close attention, sources say
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) March 9, 2025
European nations are rushing to mobilize thousands of billions of euros to build a new security architecture.
— Bloomberg UK (@BloombergUK) March 9, 2025
As the US pares back its protective role, how will the region defend itself?
We answered your questions. Listen back on the conversation:
EU defense industry executives, politicians and senior bankers are calling for an urgent revamp of regulations and internal processes to make it easier for banks to channel funds into arms manufacturers and military contractors
— Bloomberg Politics (@bpolitics) March 9, 2025
Macron's European defense dreams are becoming a reality, with France as the EU's only nuclear power playing a decisive role
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) March 9, 2025
'분트 쇼크'가 덮친 일본은행(BoJ)은 ★'5월 1일'에 추가 금리 인상을 검토할 가능성'★이 커졌습니다. 여기에는 전달보다 1.6% 상승했고 '설탕'과 '유제품' 가격이 크게 오른 세계 '식량가격' 등 물가 전망 뿐만 아니라 오락가락 하는 '트럼프'發 정책이 '금융시장'에 미치는 영향도 포함됩니다. 일본 ★이시바 시게루 총리는 '중국'에 이어 '영국'까지 보폭★을 넓히고 있습니다.
Musk calls on the US to quit NATO, stop paying for defense of Europe via @RosKrasny
— Zoe Schneeweiss (@ZSchneeweiss) March 9, 2025
A chaotic geopolitical environment will force Europe to shoulder more and more of its defense burden, and that cost is likely to increase substantially, according to the European Union’s defense industry chief
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) March 9, 2025
Few businesspeople want to speak truth to power for fear of drawing the president’s ire. He and reality seem to be drifting ever further apart. That threatens America’s trading partners
— The Economist (@TheEconomist) March 9, 2025
The rush to rearm in Europe has seen a rapid change of heart on the ethics of the defense industry, with politicians now scolding financiers about overly restrictive ESG rules. But how much of a hurdle are these in reality?
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) March 9, 2025
한국전력이 '전기요금' 인상 등에 힘 입어 지난해 4년 만에 흑자 전환에 성공했지만, 총부채는 205조 1,810억 원으로 작년에만 2조 7,000억 원 또 늘었습니다. 심각한 재무 위기는 3년 연속 세수를 30조 원대 펑크를 낸 '미친XX'가 '우크라이나' 전쟁을 전후로 2021∼2023년 국제 에너지 가격이 급등했는데도 원가 밑으로 전기를 공급하면서 본격화 됐습니다.
Several Big Law firms have a hand in a new $10 billion deal for Sycamore Partners to buy drugstore chain Walgreens.
— Bloomberg Law (@BLaw) March 7, 2025
The White House’s pick to become the EPA’s number two official said that earlier pledges to slash the agency’s budget only apply to its 2024 expenditure, which included large amounts of one-time funding under the Biden-era climate law.
— Bloomberg Law: Environment (@environment) March 9, 2025
$TSLA bull @CathieDWood is sticking with the electric vehicle maker after a rough February.
— Yahoo Finance (@YahooFinance) March 9, 2025
US President Donald Trump pared back the sweeping tariffs imposed on Canada and Mexico just days after they went into effect. Amid the flip-flopping, what is Trump actually aiming to achieve with his trade war?
— Bloomberg (@business) March 9, 2025
★'멕시코·캐나다'★ 25% 관세를 '4월 2일'까지 유예를 발표한 지 하루 만에 캐나다산 목재와 '유제품'에 '250%' 관세를 부과하겠다며 추가 관세를 경고한 '트럼프'는 "인도가 엄청난 관세를 부과하기 때문에 인도에서 팔 수 있는 것은 아무것도 없다 "면서 '유럽연합'(EU)과 'FTA'를 체결한 인도가 "(對美) 관세를 훨씬 낮추기로 '합의'했다"고 말했습니다.
India’s top diplomat will visit Russia this week as the two nations look to strengthen ties
— Bloomberg Asia (@BloombergAsia) March 5, 2025
President Vladimir Putin's envoy is trying to get Trump and Musk hooked on prospects for major business deals with Russia as bait for ending the war in Ukraine on favorable terms
— Bloomberg Politics (@bpolitics) February 27, 2025
Kremlin forces are racing to drive back and cut off Ukraine’s troops in Russia’s Kursk region in a bid to undermine a bargaining chip in possible peace talks after the US suspended new military aid to Kyiv.
— Bloomberg (@business) March 8, 2025
Faced with troop shortages, Russia has deployed more than 10,000 North Korean soldiers to the battlefield in the Ukraine war, and roughly 4,000 of them have been killed or wounded.
— Nikkei Asia (@NikkeiAsia) March 9, 2025
What thoughts crossed these soldiers' minds as they fell on foreign soil?
러시아 '푸틴'은 '윤석열'이 비상계엄을 저지르려 '전황'을 악화시켰을 뿐만 아니라 '트럼프'가 군비 및 스타링크 지원을 중단했기 때문에 '종전 협상'에 급할 게 없습니다. 2월 '제조업'이 소폭 성장세를 기록한 러시아 '푸틴'에 '협상 테이블'에 나오라고 새로운 '제재, 관세'로 글로벌 왕따를 자초하고 있는 '트럼프'의 '보호무역'이 시험대에 오르게 됐습니다.
The European Union and South Africa can leave their disputes in the past and forge closer relations, the bloc's top diplomat said
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) February 23, 2025
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy will travel to South Africa next month to discuss efforts to end Russia’s war on Ukraine
— Bloomberg Asia (@BloombergAsia) March 7, 2025
First lady Melania Trump spoke Monday on Capitol Hill in her first major solo event of President Trump’s second term.
— The Hill (@thehill) March 3, 2025
The first lady took part in a roundtable discussion on online protection and the Take It Down Act, which makes it unlawful for a person to knowingly publish or…
On today’s Big Take podcast, Bloomberg’s @AntoMufarech and @natlungfy tell @sarahsholder how apps from US-based tech companies are being used for sex trafficking in Colombia — and why it’s so hard for the companies to keep criminals off their platforms
— Bloomberg Podcasts (@podcasts) March 7, 2025
총성 없는 '관세 전쟁'이 개전됐습니다. '관세'는 상품에 대한 세금으로 '이빨 요정'(Tooth Fairy)이 대신 내주지를 않습니다. 중국은 '트럼프' 복귀로 미국의 빈자리를 파고 들고 있습니다. 예를 들면, '트럼프'가 중단했고 '일론 머스크'가 찬성한 USAID는 상품 선택에 반영되는 국가 '브랜드 가치'(감성·호감도)에 영향을 줄 수 있습니다. 저거 '일대일로'죠. 상상 초월 '아는 게' 없는 막무가내 '트럼프'의 '역 키신저'가 얼마나 1자로 무식한 발상인지 '숫자'가 설명하고 있습니다.
▲'관세'를 정치적 전략으로 쓰며 '금리'와 '환율'에 '재앙' 같은 '주댕이'를 가만 두지를 않은 ★'트럼프'★와 '주댕이'를 가만 두질 않는 '미국'판 김건희, 親'중국' '테슬라'(TSLA) DOGE 수장 '병신 광대' ★'일론 머스크'★ 감옥 운동 중입니다.▲
▲ '블로그'의 모든 글은 저작권법의 보호를 받습니다. 어떠한 '상업적인 이용'도 허가하지 않으며, 이용('불펌') 허락을 하지 '않습니다'.
▲ 사전협의 없이 본 콘텐츠 무단 도용, 전재 및 복제, 배포를 금합니다. 이를 어길 시 '민, 형사상' '책임'을 질 수 있습니다.
'Honest First' 카테고리의 다른 글
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