T.B 10342

김건희 게이트(Rolex Gate) 11 (feat. 윤석열 미국 대선 개입)

Samsung is releasing its Galaxy Ring wearable at $400 and launching a $650 smartwatch that looks and works like the Apple Watch Ultra https://t.co/YDoA8bPGVO— Bloomberg Asia (@BloombergAsia) July 11, 2024 Samsung’s new phones are thinner, more expensive, and add a bevy of new artificial intelligence features https://t.co/9lnZh3JhxN— Bloomberg Technology (@technology) July 11, 2024 Fed Chair Powe..

Honest First 2024.07.11

김건희 게이트(Rolex Gate) 10 (feat. 윤석열 미국 대선 개입)

South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol told @Reuters he would discuss with NATO leaders the 'distinct threat' North Korea poses to Europe by deepening military ties with Russia, as a summit in Washington kicks off https://t.co/3K0BY8ACgc pic.twitter.com/GYmjKeGtf0— Reuters (@Reuters) July 9, 2024 The High Price of Big Oil Profits https://t.co/p4anABvqEF— Bloomberg Energy (@BloombergNRG) July 10, 2..

Honest First 2024.07.11

김건희 게이트(Rolex Gate) 9 (feat. 윤석열 미국 대선 개입)

India's Narendra Modi has avoided picking sides in the intensifying standoff between the US and its allies on one side and China and Russia on the other. Here's why https://t.co/1l5MjVP0Uw— Bloomberg (@business) July 9, 2024 Narendra Modi has tried to position India as a bridge-builder to the West and developing nations, says @mihirssharma. But domestic pressures could lead him in another direct..

Honest First 2024.07.10

김건희 게이트(Rolex Gate) 8 (feat. 윤석열 미국 대선 개입)

As inflation slows, shoppers still suffer from high grocery prices. General Mills CFO Kofi Bruce explains how the company tries to limit the "sting."See the premiere of Bloomberg Chief Future Officer July 10 at 9:30pm EDT on @BloombergTV.Past episodes: https://t.co/1AFZUfnFrZ pic.twitter.com/Vz0K7qUaSy— Bloomberg (@business) July 9, 2024 The notion that the presidential is a Toss Up was a stretc..

Honest First 2024.07.10

김건희 게이트(Rolex Gate) 5 (feat. 윤석열 IMF 특강)

Paramount Global, the parent of CBS and MTV, agreed to merge with Skydance Media, handing control of a major Hollywood studio to independent producer David Ellison and ending one of the messiest and most dramatic merger deals in recent history. https://t.co/WP4K3ZjuMp— Bloomberg Technology (@technology) July 8, 2024 끝까지 pic.twitter.com/1fcX4u9GBN— 新) 친일.미.중.派.들이생겨나고있어. 반드시. 감시와 관심을 부단히 갖여야만 합니다!..

Honest First 2024.07.09

김건희 게이트(Rolex Gate) 4 (feat. 윤석열 IMF 특강)

France is on course for a historic triumph by a far right party as National Rally leader Marine Le Pen flirts with the center ground. https://t.co/awU1l6VrU1— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) July 5, 2024  모든 선거는 심판자 또는 정치, 경제적 포지셔닝과 무관하기 때문에 방관자 중도·무당층(실용주의)과 아직 소셜 어빌리티와 포지셔닝이 정해지지 않은 청년, 그러한 성향이 남성보다 강해 투표율이 높은 여성들이 역사적으로도 선거를 갈라왔고 특히 4,4,2 '양극화 사회'에서 '그러했는데'요. 실용주의가 '극단적인 탐욕'에 공공선을 벗어난 이기적인 '..

Honest First 2024.07.08

김건희 게이트(Rolex Gate) 3 (feat. 윤석열 IMF 특강)

🇫🇷 An “unpredictable” or even “unstable” Emmanuel Macron could resign after Sunday’s second-round parliamentary elections, top aides have warnedRead more👇https://t.co/fA07WLWh1R pic.twitter.com/2INIYhVXck— The Telegraph (@Telegraph) July 7, 2024 A wing of a Boeing 777 operated by EVA Air was damaged after the Taipei-bound plane collided with a light pole while heading to the runway in Vietnam..

Honest First 2024.07.07

김건희 게이트(Rolex Gate) 3 (feat. 지정학 원포인트 특강)

Geely Automobile plans to introduce its first premium electric vehicle to South Korea as early as 2026 https://t.co/E7nIsmp7r6— Bloomberg Technology (@technology) July 5, 2024 안나오면 처들어간다 pic.twitter.com/N5MDmVqdom— 이게 나라냐,? (@dud61755) July 5, 2024  전국 주유소 '기름값'이 '국제 유가' 상승세가 '반영'되면서 2주 연속 상승했습니다. "유통업 싹 다 망하게 만든 '윤석열' '뭐 했길래?'"가 '청소년 유해' 글 인가요? 친중 부동산, 배터리 '대통령' 관련 23년 내내 '선거'는 이기고 보자고 사정사정을 하며..

Honest First 2024.07.07