T.B 10387

윤석열·국민의힘이 "소모품"으로 쓰고 폐기시킨 한동훈·이준석

South Korea’s exports have lost momentum so far this month, dimming the 2025 outlook for an economy overshadowed by political turmoil https://t.co/4ZGw3JfsSf— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) February 21, 2025 Japan’s inflation accelerated more than expected, rising at the fastest pace since the summer of 2023 https://t.co/1YUiHGv8Ql— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) February 21, 2025 Rising gov..

Honest First 2025.02.21

사형 또는 무기징역 윤석열..."빨리 직무 복귀 하겠다"

South Korea is seeking to implement tariffs on some Chinese steel and producers on concerns over an influx of cheaper products flooding the market, following a similar measure from the Trump administration https://t.co/QwL1mTktlL— Bloomberg (@business) February 20, 2025 LG Group scion Brian Koo is in talks to build South Korea’s largest data center, making him the latest entrepreneur to enter th..

Honest First 2025.02.21

트럼프 불확실성이 가중시킨 BOJ 금리인상 오고 있다.

Applications for US unemployment benefits were little changed last week, indicating solid demand for workers. https://t.co/nTjL4X8dOH— Bloomberg (@business) February 20, 2025 Mortgage rates in the US declined for a fifth week, pushing borrowing costs to the lowest point since late December https://t.co/kzqpdYKt0c— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) February 20, 2025 New York City's congestion pric..

Honest First 2025.02.21

중국 파고들고 러시아 웃는 트럼프 MAGA 정치...미국 넘어 동맹까지 분열 중

Federal Reserve officials in January expressed their readiness to hold interest rates steady amid stubborn inflation and economic policy uncertainty. https://t.co/AYr1ZZhVTU— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) February 19, 2025 The busiest trade hub in the US moved more containers last month than in any previous January, ahead of widely anticipated tariff hikes from President Donald Trump https://..

Honest First 2025.02.20

평택 세관, 에이씨티앤코아물류 해외직구 세관통관 관심 없나?

공소장과 각종 수사기록 등을 토대로 윤석열 대통령 주요 발언을 정리해 봤습니다.#윤석열 #대통령 #공소장 https://t.co/VFwOECwurb— 한국일보 (@hankookilbo) February 5, 2025 검찰은 여론조사 결과 조작 여부와 윤 대통령 부부의 공천 개입 가능성을 집중적으로 살펴볼 예정입니다.#김건희 #명태균 https://t.co/5NGrVhsTit— 한국일보 (@hankookilbo) February 18, 2025 "비교해서 상품을 사듯이, 많은 이성을 만나보고 잘 맞는 사람을 선정하고 싶어 하는 젊은 세대들의 심리가 반영" https://t.co/wvo344S2uM— 한국일보 (@hankookilbo) February 8, 2025    '알리'익스프레스에서 캠핑용 칼을 2..

Honest First 2025.02.18