A new poll shows almost 60% of US adults worry Trump’s threatened tariffs would lead to higher prices: Here’s your Evening Briefing https://t.co/na65npmCT3
— Bloomberg Asia (@BloombergAsia) February 27, 2025
CBS News Poll: How would you rate the condition of national economy today?
— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) February 27, 2025
Very/fairly good: 32%
Very fairly bad: 60%
77% of Americans say their incomes aren't keeping pace with inflation.
62% report prices around them are rising
YouGov | 2/24-26 | 2,340 A | ±2.3% pic.twitter.com/rMqhAtGeT7
Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency is on a mission to slash federal spending. But how much money is actually being saved? ABC News' Selina Wang reports. https://t.co/g4g9dYuOC0 pic.twitter.com/dKKCVkj9wo
— ABC News (@ABC) February 28, 2025
Americans don’t want a radical, out-of-touch billionaire slashing funding for public schools.
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) February 27, 2025
Linda McMahon is not qualified to lead America’s public education.
But that’s why Trump nominated her:
She’s the perfect choice to burn our public education system to the ground.…
79세의 역대 최고로 늙은 공화당 성폭행범 '트럼프'가 취약한 게 MZ세대, '여성' 지지율이죠. '미녀 사업'이 돈이 된다는 것을 '알고 있는' '트럼프'가 미끼를 던지니까 덮썩 물고 "야, 너 한번 'penis' 돼 봐라"면서 "풰애~미즘, 낙태"를 양념으로 치질 않고 메인디쉬로 취급했다가 '2024년 선거운동' 망한 이유는 인구 피라미드 '구조'상 경제로 뺄 수 있는 표가 훨씬 많기 때문입니다.
The move away from globalization toward a more fragmented world is likely to fuel permanently higher inflation across regions, according to Apollo’s Torsten Slok https://t.co/x0yDaBJq6O
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) February 27, 2025
Trump said Thursday he would apply an additional 10% tax on Chinese imports, on top of a previous 10% duty that he already enacted earlier this month https://t.co/gQSHEgAKyV
— Bloomberg Markets (@markets) February 28, 2025
Tesla's share price slump is taking a toll on risk-loving investors in South Korea, who have plowed into leveraged bets on the US carmaker https://t.co/Dk2YnjMCQJ
— Bloomberg Crypto (@crypto) February 28, 2025
The US economy advanced at a healthy pace and inflation was more stubborn than initially estimated at the end of 202 https://t.co/2FhDiQiaJy
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) February 27, 2025
지난해 4분기(10~12월) 미국 GDP 성장률 잠정치는 속보치, 시장 전망치가 연율 2.3%로 집계습니다. 인플레이션은 상향 조정됐는데, '연방준비제도'(Fed·연준)이 '금리산정'에 가장 중시하는 'PCE' 물가지수는 2.7% 올라 속보치와 예상치(모두 2.5%)를 상회했으며, '서비스 물가'(슈퍼 코어 인플레이션) 상승에 기인한 것으로 나타났습니다. '트럼프'의 '관세' 발표에 DXY가 '급등'을 했습니다.
Bessent said this week that, by 2028, he wants the US fiscal deficit ratio to start with a 3 — 3% or 3.5%, say, of GDP — matching what he says is its long-term average. That’s not going to happen “even under the most optimistic scenario,” research shows https://t.co/qTgwVQYrJH pic.twitter.com/ePjlqZu2RY
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) February 23, 2025
Record high cocoa prices have forced some of Europe's oldest family-owned chocolatiers out of business, and others to the brink of bankruptcy https://t.co/pfdDwjo0AC
— Bloomberg (@business) February 28, 2025
Here’s the latest news and analysis on the oil market https://t.co/2o7pCSI1oG
— Bloomberg Middle East (@middleeast) February 27, 2025
Trump’s understanding of power is arguably more in line with China’s vision of the world than any US president since the establishment of the UN in the wake of World War II. That shift puts Chinese President Xi Jinping ahead in the global battle of ideas. https://t.co/FIyFZ2iClW
— Bloomberg Asia (@BloombergAsia) February 28, 2025
'중국'이 전 세계를 대상으로 '물량 공세'에 나서고 있는 것으로 나타났습니다. '중국'이 반도체 성숙 공정에서 큰 진전을 이루었으며, 이로 인해 제품 시장 가격을 상상할 수 없는 수준으로 낮추고 있다고 닛케이 아시아를 인용해 중국 참고 소식보가 27일 전했습니다. '중국'은 현재 14나노 이상의 성숙 공정에서 빠른 진전을 이루어내고 있으며, 이들 칩은 스마트폰, 가전제품, 자동차, 방위 산업, 산업용 컨트롤러 등에 사용됩니다.
Gold was on track for its first weekly loss this year as investors booked profits from a record-breaking rally amid increasing concern over Trump’s tariff agenda https://t.co/ou0wzre78V
— Bloomberg Asia (@BloombergAsia) February 28, 2025
Team Trump can't have it both ways on oil and gold, says @johnauthers, but expect them to side with cheap oil https://t.co/nZt1CoYDJj
— Bloomberg Opinion (@opinion) February 28, 2025
Federal Reserve Governor Michelle Bowman calls for less opacity in bank oversight, saying the supervisory and regulatory approach needs updating so it better serves the financial system https://t.co/8wut2qvEDt
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) February 17, 2025
Federal Reserve Vice Chair for Supervision Michael Barr says monetary policy and financial stability are “inextricably linked” at an event hosted by Yale School of Management https://t.co/uDWq7i1yUH pic.twitter.com/OEX0mUnQV2
— Bloomberg TV (@BloombergTV) February 25, 2025
'독일' 정부의 전기차 보조금 폐지와 '일론 머스크'의 정치개입 논란 등이 겹쳐 유럽시장 판매량이 급감하고 있는 '테슬라'가 부도난 '독일'의 부도난 '배터리업체'를 인수한다고 전해졌습니다. 직원 400명 중 300명의 고용을 승계하고 일부 '생산시설'을 인수하는 것입니다. 파산관리인 마르틴 무차는 "많은 일자리를 지키고 직원들에게 미래를 제공하게 돼 기쁘다"고 말했습니다.
Cleveland Fed President Beth Hammack said interest rates are not “meaningfully restrictive” and should be held steady for some time as officials wait for evidence inflation is returning to their 2% target https://t.co/ch3ns25VRO
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) February 27, 2025
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City President Jeff Schmid sounded a warning about rising inflation expectations and concerns over economic growth, cautioning that the US central bank may soon confront both. https://t.co/ydIwkFJPpu
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) February 27, 2025
Applications for US unemployment benefits rose to the highest level this year, amid an increase in job-cuts announcements at corporations and federal agencies https://t.co/aCvgR4lEau
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) February 27, 2025
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia President Patrick Harker said officials should allow their policy stance to continue to lower inflation, signaling support for holding interest rates steady for now https://t.co/HgXdjmrDe2 pic.twitter.com/s9UDqjnlaX
— Bloomberg TV (@BloombergTV) February 27, 2025
'트럼프'의 정책을 수행 중인 최측근 '일론 머스크'가 정부효율부(DOGE)를 통해 초법적 권한을 휘두른다는 논란과 관련해 연방판사가 ‘위헌’ 소지를 언급했습니다. '연방정부'의 '공무원'들을 해고 하고 있는 '일론 머스크'는 "의회와 고위 공무원들이 (가난하면) 부정·부패에 빠질 가능성이 있다"면서 "급여와 보상을 늘리자"고 '제안'했습니다.
Thousands of US shelter operators and housing providers are awaiting word about billions in pending federal grants, stoking fear that the money won’t arrive https://t.co/ELoXXmA6EX
— Businessweek (@BW) February 25, 2025
Pending sales of existing US homes slumped to a record low in January as severe winter weather slowed activity and consumers balked at high prices and mortgage rates https://t.co/Mn1HweMTrt
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) February 27, 2025
Whether you're buying a house or a carton of eggs, prices across the US are once again intensifying. Here are some of the inflation measures to prove it https://t.co/YwAFe36sDt
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) February 27, 2025
After progress on inflation stalled in the US last year, there are now signs everywhere that it may be reversing https://t.co/nLrEXPEPGY
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) February 27, 2025
'Open AI'의 영리 법인과 '스타게이트'에 반대한 '일론 머스크'는 '트럼프'의 전기차 세액공제에 찬성을 했죠. '트럼프'는 연방 '고속도로' 전기차 충전소 지원을 중단하고 연방정부가 운영하는 전기차 충전소 '전면 폐쇄'를 '결정'했습니다. ★'이론'★적으로 중국산 'LFP 배터리'를 쓰고 있는 '테슬라'의 '수퍼차저' 보급률을 넘어설 수 없다는 것을 뜻합니다.
▲'관세'를 정치적 전략으로 쓰며 '금리·환율'에 '재앙' 같은 '주댕이'를 가만 두지를 않은 ★'트럼프'★와 '주댕이'를 가만 두질 않는 '미국'판 김건희, 親'중국' '테슬라'(TSLA) DOGE 수장 '병신 광대' ★'일론 머스크'★ 감옥 운동 중입니다.▲
▲ '블로그'의 모든 글은 저작권법의 보호를 받습니다. 어떠한 '상업적인 이용'도 허가하지 않으며, 이용('불펌') 허락을 하지 '않습니다'.
▲ 사전협의 없이 본 콘텐츠 무단 도용, 전재 및 복제, 배포를 금합니다. 이를 어길 시 '민, 형사상' '책임'을 질 수 있습니다.
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