Honest First 2076

정신 나간 윤석열과 국민의힘 때문에 한국 경제 답이 없다

North Korea is building a formidable nuclear arsenal. But, it’s one of the world’s poorest countries. So how did the country pull it off? We explain https://t.co/aD4StTSlyn pic.twitter.com/H12hHob5JU— Bloomberg Originals (@bbgoriginals) December 23, 2024 한국군의 세 번째 군사정찰위성이 성공적으로 발사됐습니다. 특히 고성능 영상 레이더 시스템이 탑재돼 날씨에 상관없이 밤낮으로 북한의 핵과 미사일 동향을 보다 철저하게 감시할 수 있게 됐습니다. https://t.co/4CagM9v3bW— VOA 한국어 (@v..

Honest First 2024.12.24

선거 사기꾼 테슬라(TSLA) 일론 머스크, 선거 개입 논란

German Wages Rose by Most in Three Decades in Third Quarter https://t.co/TCyAkyVa1p— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) November 19, 2024 VW and labor leaders are moving closer to an agreement to restructure the automaker’s namesake brand without shuttering factories in Germany, according to people familiar with the matter https://t.co/NrIChtgGr2— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) December 19, 2024..

Honest First 2024.12.23

트럼프는 이미 전 세계에 충격파를 보내고 있다.

There’s no quick solution to incoming President Donald Trump’s demand that European nations buy more American oil and gas, writes @JLeeEnergy https://t.co/OSubrBa717— Bloomberg Asia (@BloombergAsia) December 20, 2024 The world is becoming a more dangerous place, not just on the ground, but in the skies, too. New risks will crop up in 2025 https://t.co/bHaDtxvvoE 🌐— The Economist (@TheEconomist)..

Honest First 2024.12.23

트럼프 "EU, 미국 석유·가스 구매 불응시 끝장 관세"

Energy company Mol sees the ambition to completely wean Europe away from Russian crude in the next few years as unrealistic for countries like Hungary and Slovakia https://t.co/9mxAXMjSYv— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) November 20, 2024 Trump says EU will face tariffs unless it buys more U.S. oil and gas https://t.co/le5oLYYihz— MarketWatch (@MarketWatch) December 20, 2024  Oil industry heavy..

Honest First 2024.12.21

WTO 무역 분쟁과 중국 무역 전쟁이 기업 실적에 미칠 영향

From Brazil to South Korea, emerging-market central banks are forming a line of defense as a rising dollar pushes their currencies to multi-year lows. https://t.co/6m2assgMlv— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) December 20, 2024 I spoke on Arirang TV last night about martial law's impact on South Korean markets and economy https://t.co/sL5Kuzk92z pic.twitter.com/1jyG2jXja1— Sam Kim (@samkimreports..

Honest First 2024.12.21

미 11월 PCE 연방준비제도(Fed) 기조 뒤집을 정도는 아냐

The Federal Reserve’s preferred measure of underlying inflation was muted in November, a step in the right direction for policymakers looking to cut interest rates further in 2025. https://t.co/DF7uo7BzwA— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) December 20, 2024 Fed’s Williams Incorporated Some Trump Policies in 2025 Forecast https://t.co/RekfqQDHXi— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) December 20, 2024 ..

Honest First 2024.12.21

미 하원, 정부 셧다운 앞두고 부채한도 뺀 임시 예산안 채택

미 현지시간 금요일 자정까지 의회가 정부에 자금을 지원하는 법안을 통과시키지 못하면, 지난 5년 동안 도날드 '트럼프' 임기 중 3번이었고 10년 동안 4번째 '셧다운'이 일어날 수 있습니다. 이번 주 의회의 공화당 의원들은 '일론 머스크'와 '트럼프'가 초당적 지출 법안에 반대를 하자 이 법안을 철회했습니다. 이제 공화당이 내홍(內訌)이 시작될 새로운 조짐이 나타났습니다. GOP lawmakers shuttling in and out of Speaker Mike Johnson’s office hammered out a plan for a slimmed down version of a stopgap funding bill to try to avert a government shutdown https://..

Honest First 2024.12.21

미 GDP 증가율 2분기 연속 3%대…금리인하 속도 늦추나

The US economy expanded at a faster pace in the third quarter than previously estimated, owing in part to to stronger consumer spending and exports. https://t.co/IgPDoN1MJt— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) December 19, 2024 What if you fell asleep a year ago and woke up today? What did you miss in the US economy in 2024?@kylascan asks and answers 🎥 pic.twitter.com/5xud08uqmh— Bloomberg Opinion..

Honest First 2024.12.20