
미국에서 LG G3 배터리 폭발 논란

T.B 2014. 12. 25. 12:16

Reddit에 LG G3가 '폭발'한 '사진들'이 올라왔다. 용어가 자극적이니 '화재(라 순화시키기에는 상황이 긴박했지 싶다.)'로 순화시키자. 아래는 해당 유저가 Reddit에 올린 전문이다.

This happened suddenly to my little sister's phone. She was awake in her bedroom, we were annoying her to start getting ready for the morning when she was suddenly crying out that her phone exploded and we turned around to see tons of smoke coming from inside her room. It was literally right beside her.

We did have the fire extinguisher handy, but when the battery continued to burn through the mattress, we were forced to toss the mattress out the window.

First picture is while the phone is burning through the mattress (yes, we took a picture while tending to the emergency), other two are of the aftermath.

The family is spreading this through social media as well as contacting insurance/LG/etc., but any other advice is appreciated.

I noticed that there have been reports of the LG G3 having overheating problems with the charging port and I've also seen bad charging cables cause hazard, but as you can see from the pictures of the melted phone, it was mainly the battery that was affected.

after making calls, TMobile is going to conduct the investigation and will bring their findings to LG for QA. This works nicely since we're not directly LG's customer and TMobile customer service has be

자신의 어린 여동생 폰에서 갑자기 발생한 일이고, 아침에 여동생이 울어서 쫓아가보니 배터리가 타서 메트리스를 태우고 연기가 올라왔으며 스마트폰이 불길에 휩싸였다는 것이다. 다행스럽게도 소화기가 있어서 화재를 진압했고, US 이통사인 T-Mobile에 접수했으며 해당 이통사에서는 이 문제를 LG 측에 문의했다고 전했다.

지난 12월 17일자 '케이벤치' 에서는 KBS의 보도를 인용하여 배터리 폭발 사고를 소비자 과실로 떠 넘겼다는 기사를 낸 적이 있다. 강씨는 LG전자 측에 배터리 폭발 사고에 대해 문의했으나 LG전자 측은 "배터리에 찍힘 자국이 있는 것으로 봐 외부 충격으로 내부 전극 간 합선이 일어난 것으로 추정된다"며 제품에는 하자가 없다는 입장이었다. LG가 어떤 스탠스를 취할지 궁금할 뿐이다.


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