
iOS 8.4.1 배포 애플뮤직과 탈옥패치 및 IPSW 다운로드

T.B 2015. 8. 14. 08:17

오늘 새벽 애플이 새 iOS 펌웨어 iOS 8.4.1을 배포했다. 이번에 배포된 iOS 8.4.1의 특징은 크게 2가지로 ① Taig의 Exploit 8개가 패치되어 더이상 탈옥이 불가해졌다는 것과 ② 말 많은 애플뮤직 버그 수정이 주요 변경사항이다.

This release includes improvements and fixes to Apple Music. 

- Resolves issues that could prevent turning on iCloud Music Library 
- Resolves an issue that hides added music because Apple Music was set to show offline music only 
- Provides a way to add songs to a new playlist if there aren't any playlists to choose from 
- Resolves an issue that may show different artwork for an album on other devices 
- Resolves several issues for artists while posting to Connect 
- Fixes an issue where tapping Love doesn't work as expected while listening to Beats 1

Build Number 12H321의 iOS 8.4.1에서는 iCloud 보관함이 아예 켜지지 않는 문제, 애플뮤직이 오프라인만 보이고 추가한 음악이 보이지 않던 문제 수정, Beats 1 즐가찾는 음악 지정이 되지 않던 문제 수정 등이 있다.

iOS 8.4.1 IPSW firmware download links for iPhone:

iOS 8.4.1 IPSW firmware download links for iPad:

iOS 8.4.1 IPSW firmware download links for iPod touch:

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