
Cydia Installer v1.1.22 업데이트 배포

T.B 2015. 7. 11. 07:05

(image from)

오늘 새벽 Saurki이 Cydia Installer를 v1.1.21에서 v1.1.22로 업데이트 했습니다.

Here’s what was fixed in Cydia 1.1.22

  • Users who upgraded to Cydia 1.1.21 reported that all “trivial” APT sources they had added via Cydia (which are the vast majority of third-party sources used by normal users) did not show any packages.

And here’s the change log for Cydia 1.1.21

Shared Sources Sometimes Broke

  • Using a URL to share a package from a third-party repository that had a typo could lead to an unremovable source.

Clearing Caches Could Kill Cydia

  • A user reported a situation where they ran out of disk space, iOS cleared their caches, and then Cydia wouldn’t run.

Upgrading Cydia Broke AppleTVs

  • Users of the AppleTV 2 jailbreak who upgraded to Cydia 1.1.19 or .20  would lose access to the core Cydia sources.

시디아 로딩을 인위적으로 제한하여, (데이터 새로 고침 수 제한)시디아 실행 속도를 높여주는 CydiaEnhancer bokzhe 사용중인 경우 '새로고침'으로 리로딩하면 새 버전의 Cydia Installer를 사용할 수 있습니다.

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