
다운그레이드 지원하는 iFaith v1.5.1 다운로드

T.B 2013. 2. 4. 09:15

SHSH blobs와 APTickets를 iDevice로 부터 직접 백업할 수 있는 툴로 iFaith가 v1.5.1로 업데이트 됐다. iFaith는 TinyUmbrella와 함께 애플이 허가 하지 않는 아이폰, 아이팟터치 또는 아이패드의 펌웨어 버전에 관한 A4 iOS device의 다운그레이드를 가능하게 한다.

You can take a look at the entire changelog for iFaith v1.5 below…

  • Major code improvements.
  • Added Check for Update code.
  • Adds the ability to dump iOS 5.1.x/6.0.x/6.1 on the iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 3, and A4 devices.
  • Crazy payload rewrite. (There are a chain of payloads used in this new iFaith purely dedicated to bumping up performance. iFaith should dump instantly after payload executes!).
  • Finally enabled 3.x.x IPSW creation for iPod touch 2G users.
  • Finally fully fixes NAND issues with newer models (e.g iPhone 4 8GB, new iPod Touch 4 models).
  • In addition to dumping your SHSH blobs, iFaith will automatically fetch SHSH blobs for the latest iOS Apple is actively signing and submits them to Cydia.
  • All devices [including A5(X)/A6(X)] can grab SHSH blobs for the latest iOS firmwares Apple is actively signing simply by selecting the “Show available SHSH blobs on Server” button and following the on-screen prompts. (It will submit them to Cydia as well).
    Even though you may not be able to utilize the SHSH blobs you save for A5(X)/A6(X) devices at this time, you may be able to in the future (Future loopholes/exploits)!

Download iFaith v1.5.1 for Windows

iFaith는 Pre A4 기기만을 지원하며 A5나 A6 기기는 지원하지 않는다.

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