T.B 10387

트럼프의 관세 계획, 무역 긴장 고조 및 세계 경제 영향 우려

Ivory Coast became one of sub-Saharan Africa’s top-rated sovereigns alongside Botswana and Mauritius after S&P Global raised its credit rating https://t.co/AVYWQkYRQU— Bloomberg Africa (@BloombergAfrica) October 21, 2024 Polls show Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump are headed for a photo finish. Join @tomkeene @ptsweeney for early voting result trends, financial mark..

Honest First 2024.11.05

JP모건 "연준, 트럼프 승리 시 금리인하 일시 중지"

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak says his first Siri searches with Apple’s AI offerings “worked fine,” but he needs more time before commenting further. He also discusses Apple’s product offerings and explains why he’s “a user-type person, not an investor” https://t.co/TXHfG3o04U pic.twitter.com/mptM1osvD8— Bloomberg TV (@BloombergTV) October 31, 2024 Apple finally finds a possible PlayStation and..

Honest First 2024.11.04

Elon Musk와 Donald Trump의 야합은 중국 시진핑 주석에게 좋은 징조이다.

Canada has scrapped Covid-era flight restrictions on mainland China, removing a limit on services operated by Chinese airlines https://t.co/Iu98VdS34D— Bloomberg Asia (@BloombergAsia) October 30, 2024 The market dynamics that delivered cheaper rent and airfares are close to running their course, says @conorsen. Some prices will creep higher, but this bout of inflation is nothing like the 2022 ki..

Honest First 2024.11.04

주식시장 투자자들이 Trump Trade 소음을 차단하는 방법

Gender gap chart. Lots going on here Will be breaking this one down. pic.twitter.com/T56iokzCPh— Dan Shafer (@DanRShafer) October 30, 2024 When I was in high school, I started to notice something about my best friend, Wanda. She was sad at school, and there were times when she didn’t want to go home. One day, I asked Wanda if everything was all right, and she confided in me that she was being se..

Honest First 2024.11.04

월드스타 윤석열, "김건희는 시한폭탄"

AMTI’s expanded Maritime Claims of the Indo-Pacific map includes all the Pacific Islands and more. Select from nearly 40 countries and toggle by claim type to explore: https://t.co/FfrdLJl1yz pic.twitter.com/e1I7nbaxD1— AMTI (@AsiaMTI) October 17, 2024 어제 잠실 근데 무슨 풍선인가? pic.twitter.com/UgeiW8nvP0— 하늘서기(석기형) (@LEMIN79) November 3, 2024 China's BYD boosts production and hiring amid Q3 growth https..

Honest First 2024.11.03

전쟁이 에너지, 물류비에 미치는 영향과 인플레이션이 식량, 금리, 경제에 미치는 영향에 따른 선거의 상관관계

As the New York City Council takes up a plan to end parking requirements on new housing, a deep look (mostly underground) at how they operate in the city today, with @mihirzaveri + @larrybuch: https://t.co/JWMJ876e56— Emily Badger (@emilymbadger) October 21, 2024 New York City’s proposed rules for new tax breaks to spur office conversions and multifamily housing are already getting pushback from..

Honest First 2024.11.03

Donald Trump가 미국 경제와 자산시장을 "관세"로 작살, "이민법" 공약으로 박살낼 것

A murdered priest, a beheaded mayor, car bombs and an all-out cartel war have stained Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum’s first month in office https://t.co/4jX6IGNKs8— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) November 1, 2024 "The election is going to have... three key policy implications: Tariffs, immigration and fiscal policy," says Morgan Stanley's Seth Carpenter https://t.co/ogqQLiIsUP pic.twitte..

Honest First 2024.11.02