
iOS 4.3.5 탈옥(Jailbreak) redsn0w 0.9.8b7 Minor 업데이트

T.B 2011. 8. 31. 20:53

한국시간 2011.08.31 pm 6:40 경 iOS 탈옥툴인 redsn0w 0.9.8b7 Minor 업데이트가 있었습니다. 이번 업데이트에서는 iOS 베타6와 iOS 4.3.5 / 4.2.10 (美 Verison) 에서 발생한 문제점이 수정되었습니다. 둘 다 반탈옥(tethered jailbreak)이며, 지원기종 및 변경사항은 아래와 같습니다.

▲ 지원기종


▲ 변경사항 [via Dev-Team]

Update #1: Since Apple now provides Windows iTunes 10.5 for iOS5 and iCloud developers, it’s no longer the case that only Mac owners can legitimately activate their devices.  We now provide a Windows version of redsn0w for those developers (only!).

Update #2: We’ve updated redsn0w to account for the sandbox changes that affected App Store apps in 5.0b3 (and it now recognizes the IPSWs for all three betas so far).  If you already jailbroke 5.0b3 using the previous redsn0w, you don’t need to re-jailbreak…just use this updated version to boot tethered.  Point redsn0w b3 at the b3 IPSW when jailbreaking iOS5b3.

Update #3: For the convenience of kernel hackers like @comex and @i0n1c, we have a new redsn0w 0.9.8b3 that supports a TETHERED jailbreak for iOS 4.3.4 on all devices that have 4.3.4 except the iPad2.  The vast majority of people will want to stay back at 4.3.3 because that’s where the untethered jailbreak is!  There are no new features in 4.3.4 — only fixes for jailbreak exploits. 

Also, this is a good time to remind everyone (since we’re still seeing confusion about this): iPad2 owners with a baseband (3G or CDMA) cannot currently use saved blobs to go back to 4.3.3 once the signing window is closed.  This is unlike every other device, so don’t be confused!  iPad2 owners with basebands should stay away from all updates to maintain the jailbreak!

Update #4:  In conjunction with iOS5 beta4 being released to iOS developers, redsn0w 0.9.8b4 is now available for jailbreak app developers (point the b4 redsn0w at the b4 IPSW).  Remember, it’s a tethered jailbreak right now so you’ll need to use redsn0w to boot into a jailbroken state at each power cycle.

NOTE: It appears that by design, the OTA update that became available starting with iOS 5 beta4 will *not* be automatically applied to jailbroken devices.  That’s a relief to those who don’t want to lose their jailbreak via OTA pushes.  If you’re jailbroken, you’ll need to use the standard iTunes method to get to iOS 5 beta4.

Update #5: redsn0w has been updated to 0.9.8b5, adding support for Apple’s new iOS5 beta5 (point it directly at the beta5 IPSW). Please use this only if you’re a jailbreak app developer with a legit Apple dev account, and remember it’s a tethered jailbreak for now!

Update #6: We’ve released redsn0w 0.9.8b6 to jailbreak iOS5 beta6 (point it directly at the beta6 IPSW).  Two important notes about this version: (1) Please let your device boot normally to IOS5b6 and do a clean shutdown (slide to power off) before jailbreaking.  (2) Boot logos have intentionally been disabled for now, so you’ll see a black screen on tethered boots (you can re-enable logos or verbose boot with command-line options if you really want them back).

Due increased sensitivity to abrupt filesystem shutdowns in IOS5b6, it’s very important that you do a clean shutdown before running redsn0w.

Update #7:  Apple updated the iPad1 iOS5b6 IPSW without changing its version number or filename, so we’re releasing redsn0w 0.9.8b7 to handle both the original and changed IPSW.  We’ve also added explicit support for a tethered 4.3.5/4.2.10 jailbreak (instead of pointing at the 4.3.4/4.2.9 IPSWs) and fixed a 4.2.10 problem.

▲ 다운로드

redsn0w 0.9.8b7 for Mac [다운로드]



redsn0w 0.9.8b7 for Windows [다운로드]



완전탈옥(untethered jailbreak)과 반탈옥(tethered jailbreak)의 차이점은 리부팅 시 반탈옥의 경우 USB케이블로 PC에 연결하여 부팅을 해야합니다. 현재 iOS4.3.5와 iOS 5.0 베타버전에 대한 완전탈옥툴은 없습니다만, Dev-Team에서는 아이폰5 출시와 함께 iOS 5.0을 지원하는 JailbreakMe 4.0 이 공개되면[바로가기] 모든 아이패드2를 포함하여 iOS기기에 대한 완전탈옥이 가능할 것으로 보입니다.

 T.B의 SNS 이야기 블로그의 모든 글은 저작권법의 보호를 받습니다. 어떠한 상업적인 이용도 허가하지 않으며, 이용(불펌)허락을 하지 않습니다.

▲ 사전협의 없이 본 콘텐츠(기사, 이미지)의 무단 도용, 전재 및 복제, 배포를 금합니다. 이를 어길 시 민, 형사상 책임을 질 수 있습니다.

▲ 비영리 SNS(트위터, 페이스북 등), 온라인 커뮤니티, 카페 게시판에서는 자유롭게 공유 가능합니다.

T.B의 SNS이야기 소식은 T.B를 팔로윙(@ph_TB) 하시면 실시간으로 트위터를 통해서 제공 받을 수 있습니다.
