The US government office responsible for a marquee $52 billion chip subsidy program will lose about two-fifths of its staff as President Donald Trump slashes the federal workforce
— Bloomberg Markets (@markets) March 3, 2025
Trump called for an end to a $52 billion semiconductor subsidy program that’s spurred more than $400 billion in investments from companies like TSMC and Intel
— Bloomberg Technology (@technology) March 5, 2025
New York Fed President John Williams said he anticipates tariffs will contribute to inflation, but emphasized there is a lot of uncertainty about how the economy will respond to Trump’s levies
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) March 4, 2025
Employment at the smallest US businesses fell sharply last month, according to new data from Intuit, in another warning sign for the economic outlook amid trade wars and sticky inflation
— Bloomberg Markets (@markets) March 5, 2025
'적중'을 한 '트럼프'가 금일 2025 의회 '합동연설'에서 '강경관세' 기조를 재천명했습니다. 특히 "한국의 (대미) 평균 관세는 우리의 4배다."면서 '반도체법'을 '폐지'하겠다고 말하였습니다. '트럼프'는 이와 함께 유럽연합(EU), 중국, 브라질, 인도, 멕시코, 캐나다 등을 거론했습니다.
Trump is seeking to convince voters to support his push to remake the US economy in an address to Congress on Tuesday night, arguing that despite economic headwinds the nation’s “momentum is back.
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) March 5, 2025
Chinese billionaire Li Shufu’s Geely has obtained a syndicated loan to refinance borrowings related to its 2018 acquisition of a stake in Volvo
— Bloomberg Markets (@markets) March 5, 2025
South Korea’s Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power issued the first green bond in Asia whose proceeds can be used to finance nuclear energy projects
— Bloomberg Energy (@BloombergNRG) March 5, 2025
Trump acknowledged that there may be an “adjustment period” as his sweeping tariffs take effect but sought to defend his push to remake the US economy in his address to Congress
— Bloomberg Middle East (@middleeast) March 5, 2025
멕시코·캐나다가 '펜타닐' 등 마약 통제를 하면 관세가 '철폐'될 수도 있다는데 이거 통제 안 되죠. 'MAGA' 지지층에 '관세' 명분일 뿐 '트럼프'는 관세 전쟁을 포기할 생각이 '눈꼽' 만큼도 없다는 사실이 드러났습니다. 캐나다 생산기지가 합작법인 형태인 'K-배터리'도 타격이 현실로 나타났습니다.
South Korea’s Samsung SDI Co. said it’s weighing the idea of another manufacturing plant in the US, signaling optimism about the market’s growth despite President Donald Trump rolling back subsidies for electric vehicles.
— Bloomberg Technology (@technology) March 5, 2025
South Korea’s consumer inflation moderated as energy and food prices remained stable, offering confidence to officials who have shifted their policy focus to supporting the economy
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) March 5, 2025
A new long-duration battery being rolled out in Australia can now compete with established technologies such as pumped hydro, said investor Quinbrook Infrastructure Partners.
— Bloomberg Asia (@BloombergAsia) March 5, 2025
Tesla suffered another big drop in wholesale deliveries in China last month as consumers flock to local brands including BYD
— Bloomberg Markets (@markets) March 5, 2025
멕시코·캐나다 25% 관세가 시작된 가운데, 캐나다가 '트럼프'의 관세 부과에 대응해 미네소타, 미시간, 뉴욕의 약 150만 가구에 공급하는 전력 수출에 '25%'의 세금을 부과할 예정이라고 WSJ이 보도했습니다. 쥐스탱 트뤼도 캐나다 총리가 'WTO 제소'하고 '보복관세' 조치를 내놓자 '트럼프'는 '상호관세'를 더 때리겠다고 말하였습니다. 자동차는 '한 달'간 유예를 시켰고 '트럼프'는 '펜타닐' 노력이 충분치 않다고 말하였습니다.
Hiring at US companies slowed in February to the lowest pace since July, consistent with a moderation in demand for workers
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) March 5, 2025
US service providers expanded in February at a faster pace as resilient demand helped drive a measure of employment to a more than three-year high
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) March 5, 2025
US mortgage rates declined last week to an almost three-month low, sparking lending activity for home refinancing and purchases in a welcome sign for the struggling housing market
— Bloomberg Markets (@markets) March 5, 2025
US government bond yields shifted back toward their lowest levels of the year amid mounting investor conviction that a trade-induced growth slowdown will lead to several Fed rate cuts this year
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) March 5, 2025
내일(금) NFP 고용지수 발표를 앞두고 2월 ADP 민간고용이 시장 전망치 '절반'에 그치면서 지난해 7월 이후 '최저'로 집계됐습니다. '트럼프'의 관세정책으로 인해 '트럼프' 복귀 이후 미국 최초로 국채가 주식보다 높은 성과를 기록했습니다. 블룸버그 미국 국채 지수가 작년 11월 5일 이후 2.1%의 수익률을 기록한 반면, S&P 500 지수 (배당 포함) 수익률 1.6%를 기록하며 경기 둔화를 반영하고 있습니다.
The Trump administration has reversed its decision to list nearly 80 million square feet of federal property for possible sale
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) March 5, 2025
New: A planned federal reorganization would leave 34 states and the District of Columbia without offices that process mortgage insurance, in potential violation of federal law
— Bloomberg Politics (@bpolitics) March 5, 2025
Economic activity rose “slightly” since mid-January though consumer spending edged lower, the Fed said in its Beige Book survey of regional business contacts.
— Bloomberg Economics (@economics) March 5, 2025
Former Treasury Secretary Summers said that volatile policy actions and rhetoric from Trump are posing the biggest risk to the dollar’s dominance in the world economy in half a century
— Bloomberg Asia (@BloombergAsia) March 5, 2025
'Stagflation' 내러티브 강화 영향이 미국채 매수세를 견인했습니다. 선물시장에서는 연말까지 2.9~3.0회 정도 인하를 반영하기 시작했습니다. CFTC에 따르면 헤지펀드들은 2주째 미국채 선물 숏포지션을 축소하고 있습니다. 시장에선 미국채 10년물 금리가 4.0~4.15% 수준으로 하락할 것이라는 베팅이 증가했는데, 월요일에 약 2,700만 달러 규모의 헤징 트레이드(옵션 만기 4월 25일)가 발생했습니다. '트럼프' 헤지 전략의 일환으로 일시적 현상일 가능성이 제기되고 있습니다.
A South Korean fighter jet accidentally dropped eight bombs on a civilian area during training, reportedly injuring seven people.
— The Associated Press (@AP) March 6, 2025
Exclusive: Bain Capital is nearing a deal to buy Seven & i Holdings Co.’s supermarket business, according to people familiar with the matter
— Bloomberg Markets (@markets) March 5, 2025
Iron ore steadied just above its lowest close since mid-January as investors assessed the outlook for demand in China, including Beijing’s plans to potentially reduce nationwide steel output this year.
— Bloomberg UK (@BloombergUK) March 6, 2025
Japan’s 10-year government bond yield reaches its highest since June 2009 at 1.5%
— Bloomberg Markets (@markets) March 6, 2025
'윤석열'·국민의힘과 '조선일보'가 극우 선동으로 '윤석열' 사태를 장기화 시킨 가운데, 최상목(권한대행)은 '김건희' 특검법에 거부권을 행사하며 마은혁 헌법 재판관 임명을 하지 않고 '트럼프' 복귀 45일 동안 통화 한 번을 못할 만큼 철저히 무시를 당하고 있습니다. ★'우크라이나'의 '사례'★로 비추어볼 때 '트럼프'는 보조금, 미·한 상호관세 뿐만 아니라 주한미군 '청구서'를 내밀 수 있어 정치권에 '비상'이 걸렸습니다.
▲'관세'를 정치적 전략으로 쓰며 '금리'와 '환율'에 '재앙' 같은 '주댕이'를 가만 두지를 않은 ★'트럼프'★와 '주댕이'를 가만 두질 않는 '미국'판 김건희, 親'중국' '테슬라'(TSLA) DOGE 수장 '병신 광대' ★'일론 머스크'★ 감옥 운동 중입니다.▲
▲ '블로그'의 모든 글은 저작권법의 보호를 받습니다. 어떠한 '상업적인 이용'도 허가하지 않으며, 이용('불펌') 허락을 하지 '않습니다'.
▲ 사전협의 없이 본 콘텐츠 무단 도용, 전재 및 복제, 배포를 금합니다. 이를 어길 시 '민, 형사상' '책임'을 질 수 있습니다.
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