
LG G4 마쉬멜로우 펌웨어 배포(모델: H815)

T.B 2015. 10. 26. 09:30

LG G4의 팩토리 언락폰(공기기) H815 모델을 지원하는 안드로이드 6.0 마쉬멜로우 펌웨어가 XDA에 올라왔다. 아직 LG G4의 마쉬멜로우는 '어떤 국가에서도 정식으로 배포되지 않은 상황'으로 인터네셔널 언락 버전인 H815 사용자만 지금 즉시 리커버리 플래싱으로 마쉬멜로우 업데이트가 가능하다.

These are for the H815 variant only. Files are from software version 20A (Android 6.0 Marshmallow).
Included below: TWRP-flashable stock rom, boot, modem and bootloader zips. KDZ and individual images are also included.

*Root with repacked boot.img has been achieved.. check HERE for that. Also, there is NO anti-rollback used in this update... it is safe to downgrade if you want to go back to Lollipop after trying this. 

Please do not mirror my files!

1. Notifications may not work with all apps. To check for possible missed notifications go to Settings, battery/energy saving, battery consumption, ignore optimization. 
2.Knock code has been removed but will return in a future update.


You must have TWRP 2.8.7+ installed to use these files. Thanks to Dees_Troy as always for that. And, of course, you must have your bootloader unlocked for TWRP to work. Please do not ask if "model x" is supported... did you unlock via LG's official unlock tool? Yes? then you can use it. No? then you can't. If you have a locked bootloader and want to ignore warnings and try to flash anyway... READ THIS first.

When coming from Lollipop... you will need to at least flash the system and boot zips. Modem and Bootloader zip may be optional. I'd suggest flashing all 4 zips. Bootloader first.. then order after that does not matter. Do NOT wipe system partition until after you have flashed bootloader.


100% stock untouched system. MD5 = 9ac1f01eb4affc5712fdfa9b64b709d6

This is a flashable stock 20A modem.

This is a flashable stock 20A boot.img. Boot.img contains kernel + dtb + ramdisk. 

This is a flashable stock 20A bootloader. It contains aboot, factory, hyp, laf, pmic, raw_resources, rpm, sbl1, sdi, sec and tz. Do NOT wipe system before flashing this zip. Zip checks model before flashing. 

Also, KDZ + all stock images for 20A are available here.


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