아무도 거슬리는 광고를 좋아하지 않는다. 특히, 우리가 원치 않는 플래쉬 광고를 보게 될 때 더욱 그러하다. 그러나, 이런 광고들이 불필요하다는 것을 의미하지는 않는다. 어떤 개발자들에게는 그들의 적은 수입을 유지하는 최소한의 금전적 커버가 될 수 있기 때문이다. 블로그를 통해서 바로 전 포스팅인 iOS7 호환 시디아 트윅과 주요 트윅 현황(2) 글을 통해서도 iOS용과 함께 안드로이드 AD Block Project를 소개한 적이 있고 XDA에서도 Senior Member DragonHunt3r 의 Ad Blocker(http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2580344)를 소개한 적이 있다.
Ad Blocker는 인앱 광고 제거시 오리지널 광고가 차지하던 공간이 블랭크로 표시된다. XDA Forum Member FatMinMin은 이점을 개선한 Xposed module을 개발하여 빈공간 없이 인앱 광고를 완벽하게 제거할 수 있게 됐다. 사용자는 Whitelist 혹은 Blacklist를 통해서 인앱 광고를 제거할 어플리케이션을 선택적으로 선택할 수 있다. 이제 인디 개발자들의 힘든 노력에 대한 보상으로 마땅히 받아야 할 그들의 '돈'을 블럭할 수 있게 됐다. 이 module의 장점은 광고를 제거할 수 있다는 것이다. 그러나, 이같은 행위들이 안드로이드 컨텐츠 활성화에 어떤 영향을 미칠지를 생각해본다면 자주 사용하는 앱들에 대해서는 Whitelist 등록과 '기부'를 고려해봐야 할 것이다.(via 1, 2)
Hi everyone,
Here I am going to share with you my newly developed Xposed module, MinMinGuard. It can completely remove both the ads inside apps and the empty space caused by those ads. Conventional ads removing apps are only able to block the ad content, but the space taken by the ad will still remain unused (black). MinMinGuard successfully removes that black space, which extends the app window and makes it look like the pro version app was completely ad free.
OpenSource now!
Github Link: https://github.com/chiehmin/MinMinGuard
If you want to contribute, just fork the project and send pull request to me. I will merge it back.
From v1.2.0, MinMinGuard can also clear empty space for some app by using url filtering approach.
From v1.1.1, I remove google analytics and donate button inside the app. Now, MinMinGuard request no permission. I use google analytics for the purpose of collecting crash data. I am sorry if using google analytics make you feel I invade your privacy.
PS: I just want to know the crash data report and app usage as what I can know if I upload an app onto Google Play(Every app developer who publish his app onto the Google Play can know that via Developer Console).
Honestly, I feel very frustrated for people blame me using google analytics to track them. I admit It's my fault that I didn't consider that before. One of the reason why I developed this app is because I found a lot of good free app developer can not earn money if the user all install adaway or adblock. I want to let users to choose what to block and easily disable/enable the ads. This way can let the good free app developer still receive financial support from their users. Another reason is I like programming and I like to share what I made cool. But since I upload it, I found some of negative comment either here or reddit(I found the thread on reddit when I google minminguard). I know this module is not perfect but I will try my best to improve it if I have time. I know my English is not even ok but I will try my best to let you understand. So if you have any problem about this module, just leave your reply in this thread.
Notice: By temporarily opt-out blocking ad option in MinMinGuard and hit the ads for the apps you like everyday is a really good way to support free app developers. And for good app with non-intrusive ads you can consider not to opt-in the blocking option.
Notice: Changing blocking setting in MinMinGuard does not require to reboot your device to take effect. Just restart the app which you changed the setting.
How does it work?
API based blocking: Block function call to the advertisement network sdk. Then recursively remove the ad space. Now supported advertisement network for this approach are "Admob", "MoPub", Flurrys, OpenX, "Vpon", and "KuAd".
URL based blocking: Block webviews that contains prohibited urls. For this way I still can not remove the empty space. That's why for some apps the empty space is still there. From v1.2.0, MinMinGuard can also clear empty space for some app by using url filtering approach.
1. Totally remove the advertisement. You can notice that AdBlock and AdAway only stops showing the ad content, but it can not remove the empty field that was originally taken by the ad. MinMinGuard can totally remove the empty field!
2. Lightweight. Alternative ad removing apps (AdBlock etc) constantly run a background VPN service, which puts a heavy loading on the system. MinMinGuard does not need to run a VPN service, so it saves system resources and, thus, extends the battery life.
3. Per App Setting. MinMinGuard lets you choose which apps you want to remove ads from. If you only want to remove ads from several apps, MinMinGuard is your best solution.
Change Log:
Version 1.3.0 (10 January 2014)
Download links:
When you are using MinMinGuard, also remember to support app developers by temporarily disabling "block ads" option and clicking the ads. Your support is the biggest motivation for developers to continue their work!
Hope you enjoy it!
Q: Why it is not work for some apps?
A: You can take a look at "how does it work" section. For url based blocking, there is still a few apps contains empty space that can not be removed. I hope in the following updates I can support more advertisement network with API based blocking.
Q: Can MinMinGuard block ads embedded in webpages when I use browser app?
A: No, but I will try in the future.
Q: Can AdAway or Adblock remove the empty space cause by ads?
A: I tested AdAway and Adblock. They both can not remove the empty space. If there is any other app that can remove the empty space, please tell me and I will mention here.
Q: Will MinMinGuard has paid version?
A: No, Never. I hope everyone can use full functioned version with free price.
Q: How can I donate you?
A: I am really really appreciate for people who want to donate me. But now I think this is an opensource project, I should not take any money from it. Because maybe someday I will be too busy to update it and somebody will take my place to keep update it. And there may be some translators contribute for this module. So I can not take all the credits.
Thanks to:
@rovo89 for his awesome work on Xposed framework and Mods.
@PonsAsinorem for improving this project.
@RyokoN for Japanese translation
@maksnogin for Russian translation.
ja-som for Slovak translation.
Ad Block에 관한 소식을 예기하는 이유는 바로 선정적광고 대부분, 뉴스사이트서 본다 와 같은 기사처럼 '삼류 저질 찌라시'와 퀄리티 떨어지는 5세계 앱에 대해서 제한적으로 사용하라는 '권장'입니다. 트친님들과 블로그 구독자분들께서는 분명 이 앱을 올려 놓으면 광고를 제거할 것이기는 하나 Whitelist로 두지는 않을 것입니다. 다만 이런식으로 계속해서 광고 수입이 나지 않는다면, 안그래도 숫적으로 부족한 안드로이드 컨텐츠가 질적으로도 갈수록 더 떨어지게 될 것입니다.
▲ T.B의 SNS 이야기 블로그의 모든 글은 저작권법의 보호를 받습니다. 어떠한 상업적인 이용도 허가하지 않으며, 이용(불펌)허락을 하지 않습니다.
▲ 사전협의 없이 본 콘텐츠(기사, 이미지)의 무단 도용, 전재 및 복제, 배포를 금합니다. 이를 어길 시 민, 형사상 책임을 질 수 있습니다.
▲ 비영리 SNS(트위터, 페이스북 등), 온라인 커뮤니티, 카페 게시판에서는 자유롭게 공유 가능합니다.
T.B의 SNS이야기 소식은 T.B를 팔로윙(@ph_TB) 하시면 실시간으로 트위터를 통해서 제공 받을 수 있습니다.
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