
넥서스6에 숨겨진 RGB LED 활성 방법

T.B 2014. 11. 23. 14:28

넥서스6의 LED 라이트가, RGB LED 라이트가 가능한 것으로 확인됐습니다. R(레드), G(그린), B(블루) 3가지 LED 색상으로, 예를 들자면, Gmail 알림, 부재중통화 알림, 충전표시 알림 시 LED색을 각각 다르게 지정할 수 있습니다. 왜 모토로라와 구글이 처음부터 3가지 색상이 가능한데도 처음부터 네이티브 기능을 넣지 않았는지..

You'll need root but with that try the following:

Choose root mode

run every command as root and

direct mode

Make sure "su"/superuser has access granted for all requests

Then go into lightflow, notification settings and you should have a

"mixer" option. Enable that and you should then see options to set the

red, green and blue leds and also an option to set their brightness.

The brightness is has a 255 max value (0 being off) - (255 max brightness) and it should work.

The led won't flash but you can mix them together to get different colors. Technically you don't need to use the mixer but there's more control with it from what I remember.

Source: XDA (via AndroidPolice)

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