아이폰 아이패드 강좌

애플 YiSpecter 멜웨어에 관한 공식 입장

T.B 2015. 10. 6. 11:01

순정 iOS에 까지 영향을 줄 수 있다는 멜웨어 'YiSpecter' 에 관하여 애플이 공식 입장을 밝혔다. 이 문제는 이미 iOS 8.4 에서 패치됐음으로, iOS 8.4 이상을 쓰는 유저들에게는 해당사항이 없다 밝혔다.

Quote Originally Posted by Apple
This issue only impacts users on older versions of iOS who have also downloaded malware from untrusted sources. We addressed this specific issue in iOS 8.4 and we have also blocked the identified apps that distribute this malware. We encourage customers to stay current with the latest version of iOS for the latest security updates. We also encourage them to only download from trusted sources like the App Store and pay attention to any warnings as they download apps.

Quote Originally Posted by Paulo Alto Networks
Some other characteristics about this malware include:

  • Whether an iPhone is jailbroken or not, the malware can be successfully downloaded and installed
  • Even if you manually delete the malware, it will automatically re-appear
  • Using third-party tools you can find some strange additional “system apps” on infected phones
  • On infected phones, in some cases when the user opens a normal app, a full screen advertisement will show

Source: The Loop

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