애플 iOS 8.4 배포 IPSW 다운로드 링크

T.B 2015. 7. 1. 07:02

애플 뮤직, Beats 1이 업데이트 된 iOS 8.4가 한국시각 (수) am 00:00 을 기준으로 배포되기 시작했습니다. iOS 8.4로 판올림 하는 방법은 크게 3가지로 OTA, 아이튠즈 업데이트, DFU 복원을 이용하는 방법이 있습니다.

'DFU 복원'의 중요성은 블로그에서 계속적으로 강조해왔기에 리바이벌은 생략하기로 하고, 아래는 iOS 8.4 IPSW 링크로 만약, 확장자가 .zip으로 다운로드 되는 경우 확장자만 .ipsw로 변경하면 되겠습니다.

iOS 8.4 IPSW Direct Download Links

iOS 8.4 Release Notes

This update introduces Apple Music—a revolutionary music service, 24/7 global radio, and a way for fans to connect with their favorite artists—all included in the redesigned Music app. iOS 8.4 also includes improvements for iBooks and bug fixes.

Apple Music

• Become an Apple Music member to play from millions of songs in the Apple Music catalog, or keep them offline for playback later
• For You: Members can see playlist and album recommendations, handpicked by music experts
• New: Members can find the latest, greatest new music available—direct from our editors
• Radio: Tune in to music, interviews, and exclusive radio shows on Beats 1, play radio stations created by our editors or create your own from any artist or song
• Connect: See shared thoughts, photos, music, and videos from artists you follow, then join the conversation
• My Music: Play from all of your iTunes purchases, songs from Apple Music, and playlists in one place
• Completely redesigned music player that includes new features such as Recently Added, MiniPlayer, Up Next, and more
• iTunes Store: Still the best place to buy your favorite music—one song or album at a time
• Availability and features may vary by country

iBooks improvements and fixes

• Browse, listen and download audiobooks from inside iBooks
• Enjoy the all-new Now Playing feature, designed specifically for audiobooks
• Books that are Made for iBooks now work on iPhone in addition to iPad
• Find and pre-order books in a series right from your library
• Improves accessibility of widgets, glossary and navigation in books made with iBooks Author
• New default Chinese font
• New setting to turn off Auto-Night theme in your library
• Resolves an issue that may have prevented Hide Purchases from working
• Resolves an issue that may have prevented downloading books from iCloud

Other improvements and bug fixes

• Fixes an issue where receiving a specific series of Unicode characters causes device to reboot
• Fixes an issue that prevented GPS accessories from providing location data
• Fixes an issue where deleted Apple Watch apps could re-install

For information on the security content of this update, please visit this website:

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