iOS 6.1 업데이트 배포 IPSW 다운로드

T.B 2013. 1. 29. 16:36

iOS 6.1 정식이 배포됐다. 이번 업데이트에서는 더 많은 통신사에 대한 LTE 지원과 몇가지 버그 수정 및 Siri 기능 향상(movie tickets)과 아이튠즈 매치 가입자들의 경우 아이클라우드로 부터 각각의 곡 다운로드가 가능해졌다.

iOS 6.1 Release Notes

The release notes are brief:

  • LTE support for more carriers (complete list of supported carriers)
  • Purchase movie tickets through Fandango via Siri (USA only)
  • iTunes Match subscribers can now download individual songs from iCloud
  • New button to reset the Advertising Identifier

iOS 6.1 IPSW Direct Download Links

The following firmware files are hosted by Apple. Updating with firmware is considered more advanced and not necessary for most users, though it’s not particularly complicated and you can learn how to use them here. Right-click a link below and choose ‘Save As’ for best results.

Separately, Apple TV has been updated to 5.2 and includes Bluetooth keyboard support:

cf. CDMA는 美이통사 Verison에 해당되며 국내 정발의 경우 GSM을 설치하면 된다.

(via 1, 2)

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