
iOS 8의 자동완성 기능을 이용한 Autocomplete Song

T.B 2014. 10. 16. 00:35

뮤지션(musician), 작곡가(songwriter)이자 애플 광_팬인  Jonathan Mann이 새로운 '작품'을 내놨습니다. 아이폰4 출시 후 '안테나 게이트'를 조롱해서 유투브에서 화제가 됐던 인물로 아이폰4S 출시 후에는 Siri와 듀엣송을 부르기도 했고 아이폰5 출시 후에는 Part.2를 부른 전력이 있습니다.

이번에도 색 다른 경험을 선사했는데 바로 iOS 8의 자동완성(autocomplete function)을 이용하여 노랫말을 텍스트로 입력했다죠.

The fact I can get it right away
With the best of the year and the best of the year
And the other hand is the only thing that would have to go back
And the other hand is the only thing that would have to go back
And the best way of saying
The best thing about it
And it was not the only one of my life
And death in the morning to all the way you want

A boyfriend is so good to be a good day for
A few weeks ago I have a lot more
Than one of my life and the best thing to me
That I have no clue who they are the same
As I am so glad to see my life

And the only one who has been the most important
Thing is the only thing that could have a great way
To the best of the best part is that it would mean
The absolute world to me and my life

I love you so much for me
And the other side of the year
Of my favorite part of the best of luck
With the same thing to say I have a great day

For the best thing to me that the best thing ever
When you are the same thing to say
I have a good time
With the same thing
As the only thing
That I can get
The same
As a result of the day

I’m at work on my iPhone
Is not the best of all time favorite
Song by them in a statement
Issued after a few weeks
And the best way of saying the government
Of national unity government
In exile and a few years ago

When the best way of saying
That it would mean the world
And I don’t have a lot more fun
If it is the only thing
That would have a great way
To the point where the best way
Of saying the government of a sudden it won’t
Let me get my nails done

And over

And I don’t have a lot more to come out and about to get
The hang of it all day today
I am a huge fan of you
Are so cute
When he said the government has said

He had to go back and forth between
A rock and roll on my way home from work
To be able to do that for me and I have to be able
To do it again
I have to go back

In my head
Hurts so bad
But the fact
I can see you
Soon enough for you and your a great day
To day and night with the best of the best thing ever
I go back and the other side of the year

Before I go on the way

iOS 8.0.1 배포 직후 '네트워크 사업자(샐룰러 데이터 사용불가)를 찾지 못하는 증상'이 있었는데 이때도 한 작품 했습니다. 아래는 애플워치송으로 노래들이 재미도 있지만 은근 중독성도 있고 들을만합니다.

via iDB

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